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The Guide to Intermittent Fasting
-MINI-COURSE- The Guide to Intermittent Fasting - A beginner's blueprint Introduction: It's almost impossible to hide from the news and discussion about the obesity epidemic that's taking both lives and shattering the quality of life worldwide. It's in the papers, on television and being blogged about on the internet almost endlessly. If that's not enough, unless you’re blind it's hard to walk the streets of any big city or small town and not see the end product of this epidemic first hand. The hard brutal truth is that people are getting fatter and fatter and this is a real health crisis...
How to Improve Your Bench Press
The bench press is the move that separates the boys from the men in the gym. This is a single exercise that guys the world over use to measure their strength and compare it with one another.Want to know how strong someone is? Then very likely the first question you're going to ask is how much they can bench!The bench press is also an incredibly satisfying exercise and one of the more enjoyable moves in the gym. And when you're good at it, you will build massive pecs that give you a superhero-like physique.So the question is: how do you...
How to Dress to Look More Muscular
Loads of guys are interested in bulking up and gaining more muscle and they often are under the impression that this will help them to feel more confident, to get more girls and to become more physically imposing.Whether or not those these will happen is really beside the point. The point is that these guys desperately want to add on some muscle but they're not sure how to go about it. And moreover, they might not be making the most of their current size anyway! You may well be bigger than you realize but simply not very good at working...
How Does a Celebrity Like Hugh Jackman or Henry Cavill Bulk Up?
A lot of guys want to bulk up and add more muscle mass and so they set about reading up on all the different training regimes, diet plans and other methods available to them to do so. While this will often be successful though, in other cases, it just doesn't work out and they end up giving up a few weeks into their training.What went wrong? Why havenít they gained the mass they were hoping to?Perhaps a good way to find the answer would be to look for examples of people who have managed to gain a lot of muscle...
The Hidden Crucial Factor in Kettlebell Training: Grip Strength
If you want to become amazing at kettlebell training, then there is one thing you need to develop more than anything else and that is grip strength. A firm and powerful grip is precisely what will enable you to lift heavier kettlebells for longer periods of time, not to mention the best way to ensure that you donít accidentally launch them through the window in your local gym.Meanwhile though, building amazing grip strength will benefit you in areas that extend far beyond the reaches of the kettlebell and this is actually one of the biggest reasons to take up this...