How to Train Like an Old-Time Strongman
How to Train Like an Old-Time Strongman
When setting out to get into a shape, a good starting point is to find role models. Who are your fitness heroes? Whose physique would you like to emulate? Whose training philosophy most closely resembles your own?
Get this right and you can find yourself with a blueprint to follow and ample amounts of inspiration and motivation. Get it wrong and you're asking for disappointment and frustration.
An example of a wrong fitness role model might often be found on YouTube. While there are some great personalities on YouTube in the fitness community, there are also some destructive forces that you must contend with. In particular are those who spout unhelpful training advice and use steroid-driven physiques in order to sell us on its merits.
They tell us we can look like them by training like them. What they leave out is the chemical assistance that helped them get there or the crippling back pain that is the cost of developing all those "mirror muscles" and approximately zero functional strength.
Why Old-Time Strongmen Are Great Fitness Heroes
So who might we choose to look up to instead? A good alternative might be one of the legendary old-time strongmen. These are individuals who trained long before we had protein shakes let alone steroids and yet they achieved physiques that are well beyond many of our modern YouTube stars!
What's more, they could actually use that strength and would be able to do incredible things like bending iron bars and lifting huge amounts of weight. These strongmen trained using completely different tools and methods and the results more than speak for themselves.
So if you want muscle that's not just for show and that has an amazing historical heritage, that is a much better way to train.
How to Train Like an Old Time Strongman
So with all that said, how do you go about training in such a manner? What tools and techniques did they use that you could replicate?
The first trick is to use functional tools that train your body from multiple angles and that require you to use supportive muscles and balance in conjunction with brute strength. These force us to use our bodies as intended: as a single unit, working in unison. This is how we are able to generate the most strength and actually use it in ways that are useful.
Some tools that you can use to train this way include kettlebells, Indian clubs, ropes and barbells with, especially thick bars. Training with one-handed movements is also a particularly useful exercise, as well using more unconventional lifts, like the Turkish get-up and "anyhow lift."
Another tip is to make sure that you are training your grip. This is the secret weapon of any old-time strongman and anyone interested in building truly functional strength needs to give it serious consideration in order to ensure no energy is wasted and that all of it is directed at moving the weights.
Finally, combine this with a protein-rich diet and if you want to go truly old-time like Rocky: lots of raw eggs! (Although maybe a little cooking is in order to avoid a biotin deficiency... not everything was better back in the day!)
*(Image credit: Eugen Sandow, often called the "Father of Bodybuilding" from his historic manual; Strength and How to Obtain It by Eugen Sandow)